Social Skills (Ages 0-3)

Social Skills Needed

Just like no two children experience growth spurts at the same time, no two children ever learn social cues at the same time. šŸ‘§šŸ‘§ However, there are social skills that are common between certain age ranges. These are behaviors your child needs to learn so that she will be able to communicate with you and other people.girl and woman inside black car

Parent Intervention

But donā€™t take this as a reason to worry. Ā There are several activities you can do with your child to help her learn these social skills or at least make significant gains.

Pointing and Looking

Letā€™s use a toy doll for example. Put it in front of her. Look at it. Ā Does she look at it? By doing this you are testing her joint attention, her ability to engage in the same activity. Ā 

Or use that doll again, and say, ā€œOh look, thereā€™s a doll!ā€ Ā Now is she looking at it?girl under cherry blossom tree

Or, does she try to get your attention by pointing at things? Ā 

Reciprocal Vocalizations

Now letā€™s discuss reciprocal vocalizations, which are the foundation of imitating voices and sounds. Does she laugh or copy if you gasp, or blow a raspberry? Ā The ā€œreciprocalā€ part is the back and forth interaction. When you say something or make a sound she should respond to you.Ā 


If she is age one or older she should be starting to copy sounds and simple words.Ā 

You can also use games to improve her social skills. Ā 

Games to Gain

Other Kids

First focus on games where she has to interact with other people, games like peek-a-boo, tag or chase, and ring around the rosie.selective focus photography of girl hugging boy


You can also roll a ball or car back and forth. Ā Pause in the middle of the game: does she respond in any way because she wants to keep going? āš½

Pause and Fill-in

Finally, you can use the effective Ā ā€œPause and fill-inā€ exercise.

Say, ā€œReady, setā€…does she say ā€œgo?ā€ Ā Does she respond to show she understood, where she said something, made a sound, or did something physically?

Letā€™s go back to rolling the ball. Ā When you paused and held onto the ball, did she hold her hands out?šŸ‘

Sing it Out šŸŽ¶

Use her favorite songs. Ā Letā€™s use the alphabet song as an example. Ā Sing, ā€œA, B, C, D,ā€ and let her respond with ā€œE,F,G.ā€

Or, ā€œOld MacDonald had a farm, E, I, E, Iā€¦ā€ leave her the ā€œO.ā€woman holding child while sitting down

How about: ā€œTwinkle, twinkle, littleā€¦ā€ star?

Repeat for Reward

Taken together, all these different strategies practiced often will help your child get to the level that she needs to be in. Ā These social skills will help her succeed in her ā€œreal lifeā€ ahead. But more importantly, now, in the present, it will allow her to reach out and communicate with you.


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