In-Person Pediatric Speech Therapy
in University Place, WA & Columbia, TN

Why Pediatric Speech Therapy?

Does your child have a hard time telling you what they want or need? Is it a challenge to get them to share their ideas, or to understand what you’re asking of them? These are common obstacles that many children face. And many parents aren’t sure how to help their children overcome these challenges because many of us are told to “wait and see.”

At Fluens Children’s Therapy, we believe that you know your child best. If you’re concerned about their speech or language skills, our pediatric speech therapists are here to help you get the answers and support you’re looking for.


What Is Pediatric Speech Therapy?

Pediatric speech therapy is a specialized approach to helping children overcome communication challenges. By working with a Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP), your child can learn and practice key aspects of speech and language to be able to communicate more effectively with others. Our SLPs work with children between the ages of 18 months and 18 years to help them build the foundational skills they need for lifelong success.

Signs Your Child Might Need Speech Therapy

If your child struggles with any part of speech or language, speech therapy with our experts in University Place, WA and Columbia, TN can help. Here are some common signs that your child could benefit from in-person speech therapy:

Speech Concerns for Infants and Toddlers (0-2 Years)

  • Not giving big smiles or other facial expressions by 6 months
  • Not babbling or making sounds by 7-9 months
  • Rarely using gestures like pointing or waving by 12 months
  • Not saying any meaningful words by 15 months
  • Using fewer than 20 words by 18 months
  • Struggling to follow simple directions like “come here” or “stop” by 18 months 
  • Not putting two words together by 2 years old
  • Does not point to pictures of items in books when asked by 2 years of age

Speech Concerns for Preschoolers (3-5 Years)

  • Speech that is difficult for others to understand 
  • Leaving the beginnings or endings off of most words
  • Not forming simple sentences by 3 years old
  • Cannot accurately answer "yes"/"no" questions by 3 years
  • Limited vocabulary compared to peers
  • Stuttering (frequent repetition of sounds, syllables, or words) for more than 6 months
  • Does not enjoy playing with other children
  • Rarely asking questions or initiating conversations by 5 years old
  • Not asking a variety of questions to gain information by 5 years old

Speech Concerns for School-Age Children (5+ Years)

  • Ongoing issues with stuttering that do not resolve on their own
  • Struggling to understand and follow instructions in school
  • Problems with phonics, reading comprehension, and spelling
  • Trouble using grammar or pronouns correctly
  • Difficulty with social interactions and understanding social cues
  • Abnormal pitch, volume, or quality of voice
  • Continued mispronunciation of sounds

General Speech Concerns Across All Ages

  • Any loss of speech or language skills at any age
  • Avoiding eye contact during interactions
  • Problems with eating, chewing, or swallowing
  • Frustration or behavioral issues due to difficulty communicating

Our Approach to Speech Therapy

We don’t believe in the “wait and see” method because a child’s early years are the most formative time in their life. By sitting back and hoping a child will “grow out of” their communication challenges as they get older, we risk setting them up for unnecessary struggles down the line.

Our goal is to work closely with families to support children in reaching their full potential. Through proven, play-based, and family-centered therapy, we encourage children to find their voices while having fun.


What Can Your Child Learn in Speech Therapy?

  • Speak clearly with good articulation
  • Understand others (receptive language)
  • Share their ideas clearly (expressive language)
  • Use proper grammar and syntax
  • Tell stories or recount events easily
  • Start, maintain, and end conversations
  • Understand facial expressions and body language
  • Recognize tone of voice (sarcasm, humor, etc.)
  • Chew and swallow more effectively
  • Play well with others
  • Ask for help when they need it

Why Choose Fluens Children’s Therapy?

Our pediatric SLPs help children gain the skills they need for better communication and increased independence. We believe that when children can communicate freely with others, they can build stronger and more meaningful relationships with their family, friends, and community. Through our family-centered and play-based approach to speech therapy, we empower children to let their ideas flow.

What Our Families Are Saying

Reach Out Today to Get Started with In-Person Speech Therapy

Don’t wait to get your child the support they need. If you have any concerns about your child’s speech or language skills, reach out to us today to get started with a speech therapy evaluation. Our team is ready to help your family and empower your child with the skills they need for flowing communication.

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