How Parents Can Help a Child with a Speech Delay
It can be frustrating and worrying for parents if their child isn’t reaching their speech milestones. The good news is that there are simple, everyday strategies you can start using right away to support your child’s speech development at home. My name is Jessica Abawag, and I’m the owner and Speech-Language Pathologist of Fluens Children’s Therapy in Tacoma, Washington, and Columbia, Tennessee. Today, we’re going to talk about how parents can help a child with a speech delay. Many Parents Ask How Their Child Developed a Speech Delay One of the most commonly asked questions we get from parents, especially on the first meeting, is how their child developed a speech delay. I totally understand where they’re coming from and why they want these answers. Unfortunately, the research isn’t great right now in terms of pinpointing what causes a speech delay, unless there’s some known incident, such as an injury to the brain, or another … Keep Reading…