Screen Time Impacts a Child’s Speech & Language Development In today’s digital age, screens are everywhere, from TVs and tablets to smartphones and computers. For many families, screen time has become a regular part of daily life. And with the right strategies, screen time can become a valuable tool to support your child’s communication skills. My name is Jessica Abawag, and I’m a speech language pathologist and owner of Fluens Children’s Therapy. We have locations in Tacoma, Washington, and Columbia, Tennessee. Our clinic provides speech therapy for kids aged just 18 months to 18 years. Today, we’re going to talk about the ever-controversial topic of screen time, but most importantly, we’re going to talk about how screen time can impact a child’s speech and language development. Sometimes, Screen Time Has to Happen I think at this point, most parents know that screen time at a very young age is not recommended. Typically, it’s recommended to wait until a kid is about three years … Keep Reading…