What is a Social Story?

Power of Stories Stories have an amazing effect on people.  When radio was still fresh and new, the most popular programs told stories, like “The Adventures of Sam Spade” and “Amos & Andy.”  The radio show that was probably the most famous, or infamous, was Orson Welles’ “War of the Worlds.” It was so convincing that some people actually believed Martians were trying to invade the planet. Social Stories and Other Stories Like all good stories, Social Stories are entertaining.  Also like other good stories, Social Stories have some sort of point or moral to teach.  And like all good stories, Social Stories have an intended Audience, although anyone and everyone can enjoy them. The Audience Social Stories are stories written specifically for children who are autistic.  They are just as effective for other children who find difficulty grasping social cues and norms.  They are also written to facilitate communication between children, teachers, parents and … Keep Reading…

You Are A Social Detective: Part 3

You Are A Social Detective: Part 3 I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know! Kids with autism and other similar challenges don’t recognize the social cues and unspoken rules of social interaction that we all live under.  “You Are A Social Detective” was a book written to help kids recognize what those social norms are. Expected vs Unexpected We’ve gone over what it’s like to act with an understanding of the rules, which is labeled as expected behavior.  A kiddo who doesn’t understand the social norms is acting unexpectedly.  How can kids on the spectrum and other disabilities live as Social Detectives? What Is A Social Detective? “You Are A Social Detective” teaches that all kids actually start out with some social smarts.  A Social Detective is just someone who tries to apply their social smarts.  Social Detectives use their eyes and ears, along with the knowledge they have (social smarts) to display expected behavior. … Keep Reading…

You Are A Social Detective: Part 2

Clues for Social Cues Most of the time kids learn social cues like how to interact with others and make friends simply by watching other kids.  Kids with autism and other similar challenges don’t always grasp this. Such kids need to be taught the hidden rules of relationships and social interaction. You Are A Social Detective: The Unexpected “You Are A Social Detective” can also describe the difficulty kids have grasping social cues. 😕 The next part of the book talks about what happens when kids experience this difficulty. The word used for not grasping social cues and the behavior that comes of it is unexpected. Why So Bold? Side note: words that are in bold are specifically defined words or phrases used in the book.  Parents, teachers and therapists are encouraged to use this vocabulary. It helps kids to better understand how their actions affect other people in a simple way.  It also helps parents … Keep Reading…