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Does My Child Need a Feeding Therapist?


Chicken nuggets.

French fries.


This was the diet of the majority of my students when I was a special education teacher.

I’m not talking sometimes they ate these things… or these were their favorite foods.

I’m talking, this is ALL they ate.

And some of them wouldn’t even allow other foods to come near their plate.


child sticking out tongue

Try to put a carrot near them… scream.

Stick an apple slice on their plate… head on the table crying.

Hand them a sandwich to eat… total meltdown.


It was frustrating and exhausting and perplexing to try to figure out what was going with these students and how we could help them expand their diet.

Trust me, we tried everything we could think of…

  • Praise and positive rewards for trying a new food
  • Sticker charts and token boards
  • Taking away preferred activities until they tried new foods
  • Coaxing, begging, pleading

All I remember thinking was, if they were hungry enough, they would eat.

If only it were that simple…

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Could My Child Benefit From Behavior Intervention?

Tired of getting kicked, hit, and bitten? mom holding crying boy

Is getting out of the house with your little one a struggle?

Does your child have trouble making friends at school?

Are the “time outs” just not working anymore?

Afraid your child is going to run away from you in public or at school and get hurt?


NEWSFLASH: Parenting is tough!

Raising a child with a disability is even tougher.

Life gets even more stressful when there are disruptive or problem behaviors.

The good news is… you don’t have to go this alone.

It’s not going to be easy, and it will take time, but you can get support.

Behavior intervention can come in a number of different formats.

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How Can an Occupational Therapist Help with My Child's Speech?

So your kid can run and jump.

Maybe he can even ride a bike.

And he uses forks and spoons just fine.

He’s even starting to write his name.

Putting on his shoes by himself… #nailedit


Perhaps he acquired all these skills on his own at the time that he needed to…

If so, that’s great!

One thing to check off the good ol’ developmental milestones list.

And if you’ve got a kiddo who still struggles with these skills, you’re not alone.

There is help out there.

An occupational therapist, aka OT, would be a great resource to seek out. Don’t worry, we’ll get into more details about that in a sec…


But an OT works on so much more!

There are a treasure trove of foundational skills that your little one needs to succeed.

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