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What Is Childhood Apraxia of Speech?

Have you ever had something on the tip of your tongue and you just couldn’t get it out?
You know, like when you’re trying to think of that actor’s name in the movie you just saw.
Or the name of your cousin’s new boyfriend you just saw a Christmas.
Or the place where you saw your coworker outside of work.
You know it’s in there, and you wanna tell someone about it, but for some reason you just can’t get it out.

Now imagine if that was your experience every time you tried to speak.
You try to think of the word, maybe you make some sort of gesture to help you, or think of other words that are similar but not exactly what you wanted to say.
All the while the listener is sitting and staring at you, wondering what the heck is going on with you and why can’t you just say it already…
Ugh… how frustrating would that be??

boy holding a ball shouting

While this isn’t exactly what’s going on when it comes to childhood apraxia of speech, those feelings of frustration can be very similar.

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How Can I Enjoy the Holidays with a Picky Eater?

Food… oh, glorious food…
Hot cocoa (wouldn’t be complete without those tiny floating marshmallows)
Peppermint candy
Pumpkin breadpumpkin pie, pumpkin roll, bread on a decorated table
Pumpkin spice latte
Pumpkin crunch
Pumpkin roll
Pumpkin pie
Did I mention I LOVE pumpkin 😉

The holidays are stock full of some of our favorite comfort foods.
They bring back memories of family and laughter and fun.

But when you’ve got a picky eater in your home, your experience is probably super different.

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How Do I Talk with Others About My Child with Special Needs

You’ve been there before.
You’re walking into Trader Joe’s and a nice older gentleman stops to talk to your son.
You feel your heart racing, and your palms start to sweat as you wait to see how this all plays out.

“How are you little man?”
“What’s your name?”
*silent stares*
“How old are you?”
*child starts looking at his feet*
“What’s wrong with him?”
This one’s directed at you this time.
So you stammer over some words, blurting out something about how you’ve gotta get going cause you’re in a hurry.

You walk away, and all the things you wish you would’ve said come flooding to your mind.
DANG…. Why didn’t I say THAT?!?!

Having to talk with others about your child’s needs can be a stressful experience, especially the first time it happens.

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