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Getting to Know Autism

Autism  Until very recently autism was considered a psychological disorder and children with autism and their parents were looked down upon.  It seems that public opinion about autism has made a complete turnaround. In fact, you would have to be living under a rock to have never heard of autism. But do you know the facts about autism? What: Definition Autism is not a psychological disorder like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.  Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that has a wide range of symptoms.  The term neurodevelopmental disorders is used because it is a neurological disorder that originates in the brain.  Autism is developmental because it is most often recognized and diagnosed when a child is young. Who: Those Affected How many children are diagnosed with ASD? 1 in 150 kids were diagnosed as having ASD in 2000 1 in 59 kids were diagnosed in 2014 Children from all walks of life (cultural, socioeconomic, etc.) … Keep Reading…

Games to Play for Language Development

Playtime: Just for Fun?  All kids play because it’s fun.  Playtime can achieve more than laughter and smiles, although that’s important too.  Through games kids can learn how to follow rules. With the use of games kids can interact socially.  Finally kids can enhance their language capabilities through the wholesome power of play. Kids from ages 3 to 5 can play the following games for a whole host of benefits. Floating Balloon Floating Balloon can be played indoors or outdoors.  All you need are large balloons. First, hit the balloon back and forth so your kiddo gets used to it.  Introduce social interaction by letting other kids join in and switch the goal to keeping the balloon afloat as long as possible.  Add variety by putting in a different colored balloon and calling out which color to hit. Or you can call out which hand to hit the balloon with or elbow. This game teaches … Keep Reading…

Building Blocks To Reading

The Joy of Reading Reading is the eternal fountain of learning. Reading also gives us access to endless stories, making books possibly the best and certainly oldest form of entertainment. Help Them Read How do we make it possible to open up the doors of literacy to every child?  How do we gift them with the treasures of words, and then numbers, facts and figures, history, and all things academic? The Solution Doing reading exercises with your kiddo at a very young age will teach him how to read on his own. Reading with Infants and Toddlers First off, pick out books that you think your kiddo will like and you will enjoy reading.  Read the story or book over and over again to help him learn language. Point to pictures and talk about them. (That bear is brown!)  Have him point to pictures as well and tell you what it is. (Which one is … Keep Reading…