How Does A Bottle Or Pacifier Affect My Child’s Speech?
Pacifier Involvement Maybe your child is two years old. One day you realize that she doesn’t seem to be speaking as clearly as other kiddos her age. In fact there are some sounds that are very hard for her to make. That’s when you start to think about the last twenty-four months: what could be the cause of this? Well, she’s always been prone to ear infections. She really loves the bottle, and she can’t go without her pacifier. Can the ear infections and speech difficulties be related to the pacifier and bottle? It’s not possible, is it? Before moving on I want to reassure you. You did nothing wrong by having your kiddo use a bottle or pacifier. Bottles and pacifiers obviously have their uses, especially in the first six to twelve months of a baby’s life. It’s when a child uses bottles and pacifiers on a constant basis that problems start to add … Keep Reading…