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How Can My Child Develop Social Skills This Summer?

Summer: Sun And Speech Fun Summer is a time for both getaways and staycations. You can let the soothing sound of the waves put your kiddo to sleep on the beach.  Or you can also let a gentle noisemaker lull both of you into a cat nap at home. Summer is a time for rest and relaxation, but also for activity and fun. It’s also a great time to make significant and lasting improvements in your child’s communication.  Over the next three weeks we’ll go into ways you can use the summer months for speech and language improvement.  Each week we’ll give you tips that can be quite effective for certain age ranges. For this week, we’ll look at how to help children between the ages of three and five. Playing From the time they are born children love to play.  It’s adorable, but it’s so much more than another video to post on Facebook. … Keep Reading…

What Milestones Should I Expect To See In My Child’s Speech And Language?

A Mother Sees Maybe you’re a first time mommy and so you watch your child with great love and affection. You are also hyper-aware of your kiddo and how he differs from other kids.  Maybe it’s not your first rodeo, but you still can’t help comparing your kiddo to those around him. You do it when you take him out for some fresh air, sun and fun at the park playground. It happens every time you take him to a friend’s birthday party. It’s nothing strange; every mother does it. What concerns you is that your child doesn’t seem to speak as much or as clearly as other children.  Of course children who are older are more developed. Is that the only difference? Or is this something you should look into? Typical Milestones Every child matures at his own pace.  Even so, guideposts have been recorded and established at certain age ranges to monitor for … Keep Reading…

How Can I Stop My Child From Sucking His Thumb?

Thumbsucking, The Other Bad Habit Maybe your kiddo had an unhealthy attachment to the pacifier and the bottle.  It took awhile but eventually you were able to break the habit. And yet it seems nothing has changed. His speech continues to get worse, and there seems to be a space forming where his teeth are supposed to meet. Then you realize what it is…he’s still sucking his thumb. Can I Tackle Thumbsucking? Some of you may be thinking, “How can I make him stop?  I can’t take away his thumb. I can’t hover over him while he sleeps to remove his thumb from his mouth.” You may think,  “It’s too late, he’s been sucking his thumb since he was a baby.” Now your kiddo is three to five years old. He’s still sucking his thumb all day long.  Getting your kiddo to quit the pacifier was like climbing a long and steep hill. Preventing the … Keep Reading…