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Amelia Bedelia

Children’s Books There are a lot of great books when it comes to rhyming.  The best of them would probably be the books by Dr. Seuss, in my opinion.  There’s also “Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown and “Madeline” by Ludwig Bemelmans. But if you want a book that gives great examples of figurative language and has fun with it, go no farther than the original Amelia Bedelia series by Peggy Parish.   Amelia Bedelia Amelia Bedelia is a funny, lighthearted housekeeper who also takes her work seriously.  In fact, she follows instructions exactly, which is the problem in each book. She has no idea how to interpret the figurative language that is part of every instruction she’s given.  Fortunately, she’s also an amazing baker which is her saving grace, every time. The moment her frustrated and furious employers taste her delicious desserts, all is forgiven. And that’s basically how every Amelia Bedelia story goes. Figurative … Keep Reading…

How Can I Be Sure My Child Understands What I’m Saying?

Why Won’t He Listen? Maybe it’s almost bedtime so you ask your kiddo to put away his toys.  You step away to finish clearing up dinner and to make some improvements to your work project.  You go back to whisk him away for the night but he’s still playing with his toys. Patiently you ask him again to gather up his toys and put them away.  You go ahead and finish the dishes and print your report. You peek around the corner into the living room…and toys are still scattered all over the place. Now you’re exasperated.  Why isn’t he listening? Isn’t he too young to be rebelling? Lost In Translation For children who are typically developing, this may be a case of them just wanting to see how far they can push the envelope.  But for a child with developmental delays or speech and language challenges, it may come down to simple miscommunication.  He … Keep Reading…

What Do I Do If I Think My Child Is Having Hearing Problems?

Is There A Hearing Problem? You just gave birth to a baby girl.  She’s just perfect. From her curly hair to her chubby little toes she’s beautiful.  Even the attending doctor said so. However she didn’t pass the hearing test she was given just hours after she was born.  Before you leave the hospital, your doctor tells you not to worry, just get her in for another hearing test before she’s three months of age. The next few months are filled with sleepless nights and poopy diapers, but also tons of joy.  You remember to bring your baby in for her wellness checkups, but you don’t even think to ask for a complete hearing test.  Time quickly passes, and she’s now three years old. She’s only gotten more beautiful, more wonderful, but you’re a little worried because her speech and language are nowhere near the level of other kids her age.  What could be the … Keep Reading…