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Summer Language Activities for Children Ages 10 and Above

The Importance Of Social Cues Do you remember 3D art?  It was art generated by computers that looked like nonsense at first glance.  It took concentration and knowing what to look for to see the actual object that would  jump out at you. Perhaps you’d see a face, or a starship, or a turtle…whatever it was, it wasn’t something that you could see right away. Understanding social cues for a child with speech delays or other speech challenges is somewhat like that.  Of course, knowing social cues is not as trivial as being able to recognize art. But the two are similar in that unless you know what to look for it’s very hard to see what’s in front of your eyes. Summer is a great time to help your child with social issues.  It’s an ideal time because unlike the school year you have more control over what social settings he’s going to face. … Keep Reading…

Summer Language Activities For Children Ages 6-9

Summer Fun Only Please Summertime is only weeks away and your kiddo is super excited.  You’re looking forward to it as well. No more waiting for three day weekends to have small getaways.  So long, carpool! It’ll be at least three months before you have to go through another cramped day of work, school, errands, etc. The one thing you aren’t enthusiastic about is what could happen when your child’s speech therapy lessons are interrupted.  Is it inevitable that he’ll lose all the momentum he’s gained over the school year? Or can you go on a two week (or even longer) vacation and still maintain all the speech and educational progress he’s made?  Can you maintain summer bliss and achieve academic progress all at the same time? Yes.   There’s some planning involved, but a lot of it is simply taking advantage of your surroundings to promote reading, writing and other lesons.  So let’s get … Keep Reading…

How Can My Child Develop Social Skills This Summer?

Summer: Sun And Speech Fun Summer is a time for both getaways and staycations. You can let the soothing sound of the waves put your kiddo to sleep on the beach.  Or you can also let a gentle noisemaker lull both of you into a cat nap at home. Summer is a time for rest and relaxation, but also for activity and fun. It’s also a great time to make significant and lasting improvements in your child’s communication.  Over the next three weeks we’ll go into ways you can use the summer months for speech and language improvement.  Each week we’ll give you tips that can be quite effective for certain age ranges. For this week, we’ll look at how to help children between the ages of three and five. Playing From the time they are born children love to play.  It’s adorable, but it’s so much more than another video to post on Facebook. … Keep Reading…